我们主营提花产品(如靠垫,织画等). 目前拥有世界上较先进的写花系统以及欧洲织机. 我们公司管理层对家纺业务有深刻的认识,,对产品的质量和成本的控制有**过30年的实际经验,对客户的需求有切身的感受.我们除了以优良的品质,低廉的价格,准确的交货期向客户交代外,我们更向自己挑战,不管多难的技术多复杂的家纺物,我们都能做到!我们希望藉着客户的成长带动我们一起成长,本公司拥有出口权.高级真丝织画 数码真彩编织工艺,可将任何真彩图(如油画,山水画,水墨画,照片等)用我们先进的工艺交织成一幅色彩鲜艳,图形逼真,画面层次分明,三维效果显著,造型美观,艺术性强,可视色彩达到六万五千色的织物,凝聚了欧洲风格.多种类型风格题材内容,并提供定做,产品可洗,可折,如布,**褪色,它不是印刷品,是实实在在的经纬交织.它是中国的纺织技术与欧美以及中国艺术的结合. 我们也提供个人写真,婚纱摄影相片的织造,让你们的爱情增添浪漫的色彩,让你们的生活增添无比的乐趣,我们的产品打破了传统真丝画的印染和绣花,*用丝线将真彩图交织出来. We have most advanced European made electronic Jacquard machines as well as high speed rapier weaving looms. By our in-house developed software, we can convert any printing material including photo pictures into a digital media to have best quality of tapestry fabrics woven.
Meanwhile, we have products such as : Pillows, Wall hanging pictures, Digital woven labels, Ribbons, Bags, Badges etc., more & more products are under development.
Our team of management staffs with more than 30 years experiences are not only knowing on Jacquard weaving technology but more in working on to reduce the price, to have better quality control & to have on time shipments.
We have our own export rights.
We are looking forward to develop together with our partners !